March, which wasn't as windy as usual this year, is behind us and April has started off on a good note. Jeff and I headed to the beach
earlier than usual, about 10:30 am. We had steady 13 to 18 knot wind and we rigged big. By one o'clock it had picked up to 15 to 20 and we rigged smaller kites but the wind backed off again

for most of the afternoon. There were a few more kite boarders today. Besides the
regulars, Carlos was out for some good afternoon sessions. He shows up most Saturdays, and has really kicked it into gear this season after struggling for a long while due to getting out only a very few times a month. Good to see him out there.

Another local kite boarder that gets out when he can and often only for the end of the day as he did today was
Ricardo. He is another one that had a hard time due to lack of time on the water but he is coming on strong now. Still only gets out a few times a month but we are always glad to see him.
The forecast is for a little less wind tomorrow. By the way, the water is still a chilly 65 degrees. Also, the sea lions that I wrote about in an earlier post have left the bay in front of my house and several of them were out in front of the kite shack today. They were jumping and splashing all day right in front of us.