It is time for me to get out of town for a while. It is HOT ! A lot of people who are still in San Carlos will tell you that it isn't so bad. They are delusional. You cannot spend more than a few minutes outside without dripping from sweat. I used to think that the diving and spearfishing conditions in the summer made up for the inconvenience of hellish heat. After twelve years of diving the same spots and having only so - so fishing conditions, I am more than ever ready to leave this year. This is my usual trip back East, back home where I grew up, to spend time with my folks and other relatives and friends, relax a lot, eat good food, and do some kiteboarding.
East Dennis, Massachusetts.
Cape Cod.
I'll try to write a few blogs from there because it is really a great place.
I made the drive up from San Carlos to Tucson (where I'll fly out of) a couple of days ago and everything was lush from the recent rains. We have had an extended dry period and things were looking pretty brown and dead but the desert has bounced back as it always does.