I've been back in San Carlos for a week now and there isn't much going on here. A lot of the people that didn't pack up and get out of town during the Easter exodus are getting ready to leave now. The weather, especially on the water or at the beach, is still nice but it is quickly heating up. Thursday we had enough wind to get out kiteboarding but not enough to be powered up to do much jumping.
There are still plenty of other activities such as diving, kayaking, fishing, hiking, etc. but there are fewer and fewer people interested in doing stuff like that. This town is becoming more of a retirement and residential community and less a tourist destination. I have trouble getting myself motivated to do stuff because I've been doing the same things in the same places for thirteen years here. It used to be that you put up with the lousy restaurants, the poor service and the corrupt police because the beauty of the area and the cheap prices made it worth it. Now they are fencing off the desert and the beaches and building condos in all the nicest places and the prices are no longer cheap. The people that used to come here to hang out for a season and enjoy all the activities can no longer afford to come here. I still have a waterfront apartment for $500 a month so I am not moving out yet, but I'm definitely looking for a better place to live than San Carlos.
Hopefully I can talk more about kiteboarding in the next blog post.
Later, Don

Chuburná, Yucatan